- F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Dichotomies for Maximum Matching Cut: H-Freeness, Bounded
Diameter, Bounded Radius, Theoretical Computer
Science 1017, 2024.
- F. Lucke, B. Ries, On Blockers and Transversals of Maximum Independent Sets in Co-
Comparability Graphs, Discrete Applied
Mathematics, 2024.
- V. B. Le, F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Maximising
Matching Cuts, to appear in Encyclopedia of
Optimization, 2024.
- F. Lucke, F. Mann, Reducing Graph Parameters by
Contractions and Deletions, Algorithmica,
- F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Finding Matching Cuts in
H-Free Graphs, Algorithmica, 2023.
- F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, On The Complexity of Matching Cut for Graphs of Bounded
Radius and H-Free Graphs, Theoretical Computer
Science 936, 33-42, 2022.
Conferences (only peer-reviewed)
- F. Lucke, A. Momeni, D. Paulusma, S. Smith, Finding d-Cuts in Graphs of Bounded Diameter,
Graphs of Bounded Radius and H-Free Graphs, LNCS 14760, 415-429, WG 2024, DOI.
- C. Feghali, F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Matching Cuts in Graphs of high Girth and H-Free
Graphs, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 283,
31:1-31:16, ISAAC 2023. Best Paper Award
- F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Dichotomies for Maximum Matching Cut: H-Freeness, Bounded
Diameter, Bounded Radius, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 272, 64:1 - 63:15,
MFCS 2023.
- F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Finding Matching Cuts in
H-Free Graphs, Leibniz International
Proceedings in Informatics 248, 22:1 - 22:16, ISAAC 2022.
- F. Lucke, F. Mann, Using Edge Contractions and Vertex Deletions to Reduce the Independence
Number and the Clique Number, LNCS 13270,
412-424, IWOCA 2022.
- F. Lucke, Matching Cut and Variants on Bipartite Graphs of Bounded Radius and Diameter, 2025.
- F. Lucke, A. Momeni, D. Paulusma, S. Smith, Finding d-Cuts in Graphs of Bounded Diameter,
Graphs of Bounded Radius and H-Free Graphs, 2024 (journal version).
- C. Feghali, F. Lucke, A (simple) proof of the rna
conjecture on powers of cycles, 2024.
- C. Feghali, F. Lucke, D. Paulusma, B. Ries, Matching Cuts in Graphs of High Girth and H-Free
Graphs, 2023 (journal version).